Early music Ensemble
Juan Gonzalez Martinez & Lea Suter Concierto Iberico
Concierto Ibérico is an ensemble with Juan Gonzalez Martinez, Lea Suter and other musicians who came together to play Spanish and Spanish-influenced music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. In the spirit of the historical sources, which speak of “all kinds of instruments” for this repertoire, each musician in the ensemble plays several different wind, keyboard or plucked instruments, occasionally with the addition of dancers or singers. We especially enjoy presenting our music in historical spaces. Our programs aim to promote the cultural exchange that has existed since the Siglo de Oro, the Golden Age of Spain, and has never stopped since then.
current Concerts
Espanoletas – Spanish Wind
Sounds from the Golden Age – Music of the Ministriles in 1600
“Españoletas – Spanish Winds” brings the music of the ministriles back to life for modern audiences. With festive music from the Renaissance and early Baroque periods, it transports listeners to the Siglo de Oro, Spain’s golden age, in which composers such as Antonio de Cabezón, Diego Ortiz and Gaspar Sanz were celebrated throughout Europe.
Lively dances, lilting canzonas and rousing recercadas, played by a historically-informed ensemble of modern ministriles, convey the tremendous exhilaration and joie de vivre of 16th- and 17th-century Spanish wind band music.
Fandango – Inspiración
A dance of love and joie de vivre
The fandango to which this program is dedicated was the national dance of Spain in the 18th century. Whether rich or poor, young or old, famous or unknown – practically the entire population knew the basic steps of this improvisational dance, which was performed on stage as well on the streets, in taverns, and in royal palaces. Most commonly played with guitar and castanets, the fandango was and is joie de vivre in dance form!

And — as so many prudish contemporaries painfully lamented — also joie d’amour: “Their bodies move to the sound of the music with passionate excitement, in extremely voluptuous gestures, with stamping of feet, glances, jumps, and with all of their movements brimming with lascivious intentions”, complained the Dean of Alicante in 1712. If that is not proof enough of the sensuous charms of the fandango, rest assured that none other than Giacomo Casanova expressly described fandango as “the most seductive and voluptuous dance in the world” (and he should know).
The origins of the fandango have not yet been fully researched, but it is clear that it has Middle Eastern and/or South American influences.
Immerse yourself in the world of the fandango – where flamenco has its roots – in an improvisational musical approach by Concierto Iberico in collaboration with one of today’s most versatile dancers, Daniela Niemietz.
Statt-Reise Concert:
The Ministriles – Town Musicians of the 1600s

In the tradition of the medieval Bremen town musicians, Concierto Ibérico and the tour group StattReisen-Bremen e.V. are proud to present Bremen’s first concert city tour! In the project Stadtmusikanten 2.0, four musicians and a tour guide combine a city tour and a live concert. The role of the “ministriles” or “Stadtpfeifer” will be represented by Concierto Ibérico, while a tour guide takes visitors through Bremen’s old town and historical sights.
More videos by Concierto Iberico

Die Programme von Concierto Ibérico
“Tonos humanos” spanische Lieder Concierto Iberico mit der Sopranistin Carmen Callejas.
“Fandango – Inspiración” ein Abend gezanzter Liebesfreude mit der Tänzerin Daniela Niemietz
„Españoletas“ – ein spanisches Programm zu viert mit spanischer Gitarre
„Ministriles–Stadtpfeiferkultur“ – erstes Programm mit historischen Zink-, Posaunenconsort, Guitarre und Claviorganum, Darstellung der internationalen Stadtpfeiferkultur
„Ricercare“- Spanische und italienische Musik des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, spielbar sowohl auf Cembalo und Orgel als auch auf dem Claviorganum
„Glosas, die spanische Herkunft der Rhetorik“ – die Glosa, Randbemerkung oder Kommentar, wird in diesem Programm zu dritt als Diminution durch Frühbarock-Musik spanischer Komponisten auf Cembalo dargestellt
„Glosas y Danzas“ –bietet eine Vielfalt von Renaissance- und Frühbarock-Musik verschiedener Charaktere
„Diálogos“ – erstes Programm zu dritt mit deutschen Orgelwerken anlässlich der Hommage an Arp Schnitger zum 300. Todesjahr
„Danzas“ – Renaissance-Tanzmusik, gespielt von vier Stadtpfeifern auf dem historischem Markt Bremen
„Musik am Hof Karls V.“- Renaissance-Werke zu vier Bläsern mit Gitarre/Theorbe aus Cancionero de Palacio, die am Hof Karls V. erklangen